niedziela, 28 grudnia 2014

What to teach young learners? Here's a solution!

english for kids
Early English - What to teach? Carefully selected and organised material aimed at Young Learners (British Council) exams. Highly recommended as these pages can give you a useful road map.

for vocab lists go to:

pg 13-18 (level 1)
pg 24-29 (level 2)
pg 36-42 (level 3)
pg 43-66 (all levels)

click the link below:

Early English worksheets

Early English worksheet (colours of rainbow)

Bank of worksheets!

Interesting website with a handful of useful worksheets

czwartek, 18 grudnia 2014

Did you know that? (some xmas vocabulary)

Some Christmas words are so popular that even those who cannot speak English know them. Some, however, are specific and in reality differ from the "textbook" English. 
Did you know that the ornaments below are called...

 ... Christmas baubles,

... fairy lights,
... tinsel ?
Merry Christmas! And remember that it's not "Marry" Christmas! ;)

piątek, 14 listopada 2014

The News! Landing on a comet!

Little spaceship - a probe - lands on a cometFor the first time in history. 

Comets look very special, even mysterious. They glow or shine if they are close to the Sun. Everybody knows it is a comet because they have that long tail. 

But what a comet is made of? Is it ice, rock or something else? Scientists wanted to find out and they built the probe. 

It was a long process and the journey took about 10 years! That means that the comet is very very far! Now the probe is exploring the comet - it's drilling the surface, testing the chemicals and so on - and ... posting the news on Twitter! That's amazing, isn't it?

more at:

środa, 22 października 2014

środa, 15 października 2014

wtorek, 14 października 2014

English at work - nice, simple video

Millions of people use English at work. A lot want to speak better at better, so they start language lessons. But there is often a problem with lessons: sometimes they are too hard, sometimes students just do the book work - and they still cannot speak well enough.

What everybody needs is a lot of listening (teachers call it input) - that is easy enough to learn something new and use it later as your language (I call it "stealing" in the good meaning of the word).

Here's a link to a nice, simple video (actually lots of videos):


piątek, 10 października 2014

Interesting links - grammar (and vocabulary)

This link has hundreds of traditional exercises in a clear and friendly form.

Visit the GRAMMAR SECTION  and go to "exercises" and "tenses". You will find all major areas of the English grammar. Fill in the gaps and, then, click "check" to see how much you know (or don't know).

It also contains some very useful vocab practice in a form of collocations (i.e. "drink water", "chilly weather").

Highly recommended!


We will be happy to hear feedback from you!

Useful links - vocabulary

There are thousands links to webpages about English grammar and vocabulary. Some are good, some not. A lot are confusing, a lot copy other pages and teach nothing new.

Organic English  will share their best findings with you (to save time). :)

Here's one of them:

It presents a lot of useful vocabulary in interesting context and, then, tests it to see how much you have remembered, or not... Enjoy it! :)

sobota, 4 października 2014

Topics. Easy to find.

To help our readers find what they need we will use "topic labels", for example: 

  • exams
  • english at work
  • free materials
  • tests
  • words
  • grammar
  • news
  • information
  • readers
What do you think? Is it a good idea?

Let's start! Let's English!

Hello Friends!

This blog is space for us - for students and teachers.

We will 
share ideaspublish links to useful materials  and make comments.

All is meant to be in English - but because it is mostly for students so "plain" English is highly recommended.

You are welcome to join us!