About us - The mission

We are a "think tank". Here are our findings and guidelines worked out together.

the mission statement:

The world is getting complicated that is why we want to be simple and clear.

It is about new ideas in learning and teaching English (and foreign languages at all).

The basic concept is clarity.  For teaching we recommend using so called "plain English" from the very beginning, easy "interactive stories", repetitions (they are very instructional) and self-defining, i.e. automatically defining potentially new words by the teacher.

"organic english" is based on a few concepts:

  • "engines"
  • "snowball"

Language "engines" are selected verb phrases.

Why are they called "engines"? 
Easy answer:
Verbs make a sentence, don't they? (without a verb it's not a sentence any more) - they "propel" it, and the rest of the language

In real life we need several verb phrases or "engines",
but not as many as you think; with 10-20 we can manage pretty good. That is one structure per two weeks of learning and we can easily accomplish that within one school year, can't we? And that's very encouraging. :)

to be continued... 

Teacher Assistance

Teaching English can be an insipiring occupation. It may also happen, however, that the activity turns into a challenging struggle resembling tough exploration of a jungle without a proper map. Did you ever feel that way? 

The point is that being familiar with the language being taught is not enough. Language teaching is like building a bridge and we are supposed to know a lot about the other bank - which is rarely the case, I mean students' cultural background, their mother tongue, their learning styles, etc.

A good teacher trainer asks the following question: WHAT are you going to teach?
"English" is not a satisfactory answer, as it is always a selection, some sort of adaptation and simplification, subjective or done by curriculum (or both).

"Short-term" English teachers usually follow ready-made intructions such as in techers' books, whereas those more experienced ones tend to use their own way based on both common sense and hands-on experience. The latter are also often quite critical towards ready-made textbooks and their approach.

To be continued...

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