piątek, 30 stycznia 2015

Word of the Day (7)

Today's word is TRICYCLE.
Note that unlike a bicycle, whichhas got two wheels, a TRICYCLE (or TRIKE) has got three wheels.

Did you use to have one when you were a kid?

środa, 28 stycznia 2015

Free English courses!!!

Never enough of good and well-organized materials.
Here's a collection of useful staff both for kids and adults.


poniedziałek, 26 stycznia 2015

Word of the Day (6)

Today, the word of the day is BREW. as a noun.

To begin with, BREW can be a drink that is brewed e.g. tea.

Also, for Americans it can also be beer (e.g. a cold BREW in the summer)

Finally, BREW can be a mixture or combination (e.g. of different kinds of music).

So, fancy some BREW?

niedziela, 25 stycznia 2015


They are rather short words often causing some trouble to learners.

Here's some useful range of exercises.

LINK: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/prepositions

Word of the Day (5)

The weekend is over (came to an end). 
On Monday morning children are BUSSED to school again, i.e. taken to school in a bus. 
Isn't that surprising? BUSSED? Now I know why I like English.

Please note two things: 
1. BUS can be a verb!
2. The spelling is often BUSSED with double S (also BUSSES - especially in American English).

Do you any other suprising examples when a NOUN can be a VERB?

English learning through soap!

The Flatmates is a BBC soap story created for students of English. Interesting and well-made can be a motivating alternative for boring books.

LINK: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/flatmates/episode01/index.shtml

Word of the Day (4)

The word for today is STIR.

You can be STIRRED by the number of meanings of STIR.

Firstly, you STIR your tea or coffee after putting in some sugar or milk (mix).

Secondly, some people STIR in bed while asleep. Do you?

Apart from that, recent findings of the media may STIR some controversy or even trouble to the ruling party.

By the way... would you care for some Chinese STIR-FRY for lunch?

sobota, 24 stycznia 2015

Storytellers online! Fantastic!

We continue to share with You some links to storytelling websites. 
It's the way how language was taught ages ago and how listeners were entertained at the same time. Enough reasons to make storytelling the core of English curriculum.

Here's is a fabulous collection of kids' stories, including Guji Guji.


Word of the Day (3)

What's the BUZZ about BUZZ?

When you press a BUZZER you want to contact someone on intercom/mobile (give a signal) or want someone to let you in (or BUZZ you IN) or BUZZ the door open, BUZZ you through the gate, etc.

You may also GET A BUZZ e.g. from speed or extreme sports. If these fail some people walk to the nearest liquor store to get some BUZZ (you better think twice, though).

For more meanings of BUZZ you may turn to BUZZ LIGHTYEAR
Hope he won't tell you to BUZZ OFF! ;)


czwartek, 22 stycznia 2015

Word of the Day (2)

Have you ever made a  ROOKIE MISTAKE
(i.e. a mistake typical for somebody new and inexperienced?)

Note that we MAKE a mistake, and not DO.

Audio stories

Internet is a priceless source of learning materials. 
This time we have a unique collection of audio books. Enjoy it!
LINK: http://esl-bits.net/

Word of the Day (1)

Hello! Today's word (or I should rather say words) is CUSTARD CREAMS ...

...which are sandwich-like biscuits with creamy flavoured filling inside. They are so popular in Britain that some supermarkets have their own brands. 

Have you ever eaten CUSTARD CREAMS? Did you enjoy them? 
What is YOUR favourite kind of biscuits? 
Do you ever have CHEESE AND BISCUITS after meal?

środa, 7 stycznia 2015

Good business English read - from BBC

Aiming at English for Business it is hard to do without current business news as it is often the topic of conversations at work and contain up-to-date, living vocabulary - ready to "borrow" and reuse. As BBC is a world renowed source of information we recommend it as a page to visit regularly and do some reading on selected topics.



wtorek, 6 stycznia 2015

Let's relax! Let's English!

Relaxation is said to facilitate (to make easier) so called language acquisition. Here you are given a chance to check it out by yourself.
Happy journey! :)


poniedziałek, 5 stycznia 2015

English At Work - fantastic (and FREE) course!

Since it's time to resume (start again) our old routines after the holiday break it'd be nice to add some colour to our English education. Why not consider a dynamic and highly useful English course made by BBC professionals. Give it a try! 
PS With listening files - that's important!


piątek, 2 stycznia 2015

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to All of You!

"To resolve" means "to make a firm decision". From "resolve" it's only one step away to "resolution" meaning "a firm decision or determination". 

So... time for the question: "What is Your New Year resolution?" 

Please share it with us :)

Stories, stories, stories...

Traditionally people learned languages through stories. Why not return to that "old" (and enjoyable) way?
