środa, 25 marca 2015

Word of the Day (18)

Do you find phrasal verbs a bit confusing? I do. Especially those involving frequently used verbs like "come" or "get". It's Ok when you learn two or three, but when you reach around eight (with the same verb) it sometimes hard to tell one from another. 

Today's word it to "COME UP" - quite useful when you talk about a problem or difficulty that arises: "Sorry. I have to cancel the appointment - something has COME UP."

 Is it possible to use COME UP in another situation?

poniedziałek, 23 marca 2015

Word of the Day (17)

Today's word is the mortarboard - a special hat worn on a special occasion. 
What is the occassion called? Have you ever worn one?

a mortarboard with a yellow tassle