czwartek, 17 października 2019

niedziela, 22 września 2019


Prepositions are short words like: AT, FROM, BETWEEN, AFTER, etc which are relatively easy to remember. However, students of English are likely to come across some challenges when it comes to PREPOSITIONS.

Firstly, the use of many prepositions can be DIFFERENT from what we are used to in our mother togue (Polish in this case).

Another thing can be the idiomatic use of prepositions in numerous PHRASAL VERBS e.g. "look after", "sort out", come across".

Finally, the huge number of prepositional phrases and phrasal verbs definitely poses some difficulty, so do not try to memorize too many at a time without "feeling" the context and "digesting the new phrase decently.

Despite all the difficulties mentioned above (I felt obliged to be honest with my Students), it is definitely worthwhile  to start studying prepositional phrases as soon as possible as they will enhance your language potential by a great deal.

Good luck 

intro ----> LINK 1 

czwartek, 12 września 2019

You simply CAN'T miss it!!!

Thousands, literally THOUSANDS language materials - dialogues with audio etc! You simple can't miss it!


poniedziałek, 9 września 2019

How to write a letter of complaint

CHECK-UP  Write the following sentences in English:

1. Piszę aby się poskarżyć na niegrzeczną obsługę w waszej restauracji.

2. Chciałbym zwrócić Państwa uwagę  na jakość żywności podawanej w waszym bufecie.

3. Byłbym wdzięczny gdyby moje pieniądze zostały zwrócone.

4. Czekam z niecierpliwością na wymianę wadliwego urządzenia.

5. Nie tylko pokój był nieposprzątany ale zauważyłem również kilka insektów (karaluchów) pełzających po podłodze.

6. Czekam z niecierpliwością na Państwa wyjaśnienia.

7. Moja pierwsza uwaga (troska) dotyczy (jest o) jakości (standardu) pokoju.

8. Co więcej, jakość wody w basenie była również nie do przyjęcia.

9. Jeśli potrzebujecie Państwo więcej informacji "nie zawahajcie się" ze mną skontaktować.

10. Proponuję wysłać personel na odpowiednie przeszkolenie.

Useful phrases for travel

Holidays are over. I know. Although some people go on holiday off-season - it's not so hot and it's much cheaper. Because many people ask me about ENGLISH FPR TRAVEL today I post a link to a very useful list of phrases which you will definitely find very helpful on your holiday or business trip. Enjoy it! 

LINK: ---->

niedziela, 1 września 2019

Expectations and complaints

When going on holiday we definitely would like to spend some enjoyable and carefree moments in a nice place. But where to go? To help us choose the right destination travel brochures give us a whole range of beautiful venues to choose from. All of them offer unforgettable attractions along with luxury accommodation. 

What do the travel brochures always do is PROMISE. So on your arrival at the dream hotel you EXPECT it to be nice, the staff to be kind, helpful and polite, your hotel room to be comfortable and clean, the views breathtaking and unforgettable, the food tasty and mouthwatering. But WHAT IF THEY DO NOT MEET YOUR EXPECTATIONS. 

ACTIVITY 1 Talk about the promises and expectations then compare/contrast them with the reality. Some linking words can be helpful e.g. BUT, HOWEVER, UNLIKE, IN CONTRAST TO, etc. 

In the brochure you promised the hotel to be near the beach, however to our great disappointment we had to walk almost 2 km.

On your website it was clearly stated that two meals were included in the price. However, in contrast to what had been promised we were offered just breakfast, and on top of that it was usually very simple and tasteless.

Unlike the photos in your travel brochures showed, the beach turned out to be stony and unpleasant. We did expect it to be nice and sandy. 




poniedziałek, 15 kwietnia 2019

Questions, questions, questions,...

Many students would agree that asking questions correctly is not an easy task. In the beginning students see no problems - the quickly learn questions like: "Where are you from?" "Can you speak English? and "How much is it?". But with time - when they face more helping words like: DO/DOES DID the seem to get confused.

Here you can find a friendly intro to English questions :) Many will be surprised that we can ask a questions without a HELPING WORD and therefore not bother with INVERSIONS and so on.

A "friendly" questions like that are so called  INFINITIVE QUESTION. Study the following examples and try to guess their meaning:

- Where to? (in a taxi)
- Who for? / Who from? (about a gift)
- What to do? (about a weekend)
- Where to go?
- How to use it? (about a computer program)
- How to switch it on? (about a device)
- Where to pay? (in a shopping mall)                                                          to be continued...