sobota, 7 lutego 2015

Word of the Day (11)

Today's (this Sunday's) word is LACEWING. I know - "what a useless word!" - some of you may say. Yes, I admit, you can easily do without LACEWING in your individual English dictionary. But it's sooo nice - both the word and the creature. Ladies and Gentlemen: Miss Golden-eye Lacewing!
Do golden-eye lacewings live in Your country? What do they do in the winter?

4 komentarze:

  1. Yes, they do live in my country. In the winter they look for some hiding place to hibernate I guess

  2. I think I've seen the lacewing insect but never knew its name. I agree it's a nice word and pretty insect. I'm going to research it and may have more to comment.

    1. I looked up lacewing and learned that the larvae eat aphids and other garden pests. The adult lacewing can survive winter in protected places but have difficulty surviving cold winters. My thought about that is, since the adult lifespan is only 4 - 6 weeks, surviving winter sounds moot.

  3. I recently was connecting outdoor Christmas fairy lights and found one in a kind of electric box. Probably half hibernating.


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